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Keeping Current

Photos and Media About Blue Ox


Farmers, Cows, and Sheep - Oh My!

Enjoy the wild and mundane adventures of farming with the Blue Ox farmers - our Instagram feed is full of tiny wonders and big excitement... See the most recent news from the farm:




Local Food Systems: Supporting Our Community in a Crisis

March  |  2020

Volume One

Farmer Lauren talks about how, in times like the COVID-19 Pandemic, it's most important for communities to stick together through Local Food Systems.

Merger-Moratorium Bill Needed

September  |  2018


Wisconsin Farmers Union members present U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan with a Golden Triangle Award for his work introducing a bill that would pause corporate mergers in food and agriculture businesses while anti-trust oversight research and planning is done.

Blue Ox Pasture Walk

September  |  2018

Hay River Review

Writer, Erin Link, shares what she learned from the Blue Ox pasture walk in August and how she likes to prepare lamb.

Von Ruden Re-Elected Wisconsin Farmers Union President

Feb  |  2018

Wisconsin Agriculturalist

Farmer Lauren is elected as District 2 Director for Wisconsin Farmers Union.

Getting Involved in Policy

Jan  |  2017

MOSES Organic Broadcaster

Lauren talks to farmers about how to get involved in the policy that affects their operations, our food systems, and the decisions they are forced to make.

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Raising Livestock Without Perennial Pastures

Nov  |  2016

MOSES Organic Broadcaster

Lauren answers a farmer question about raising livestock in annual rotations instead of on permanent pastures.

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Preparing for a Healthy Birthing Season

Jan  |  2016

MOSES Organic Broadcaster

Farmer Lauren shares things to consider and best practices with other farmers as they prepare for the upcoming birthing season on their farms.

Getting a Fresh Start: Dunn County Farmers Find Connections to
Put Themselves on Path to Success

Jan  |  2014

The Country Today

Your steadfast farmers discuss the early stages of getting our farm up and running on our newly-purchased land.

A Farm of Their Own

June  |  2013

The Cultivator

Organic Watchdog organization interviews Blue Ox farmers concerning their decisions starting up a new farm and making the choice to certify organic.

Local Vendor Spotlight

Sept  |  2012

Menomonie Market Morsel

One of our local food co-ops came to the farm to help their members get to know their local producers better.

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MOSES Has New Executive Director

Dec  |  20219
Morning Ag Clips

Farmer Lauren steps into the new role of Executive Director at the Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) - a nonprofit offering peer-to-peer education for farmers interested in organic, sustainable, regenerative, and financially supportive models of agriculture.

Converting Land into Pasture

Sept  |  2017

MOSES Organic Broadcaster

Lauren answers farmers' questions about considerations when converting land into new pasture.

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Farmers Union Members Stress Need for Strong Farm Bill

September  |  2018

Wisconsin State Farmer

National Farmers Union hosts 350 family farmers on the annual Fly-In to D.C. The event acts as capstone for the Blue Ox Farmers' participation in the
FUE Leadership Program

FUE Leadership Program Builds Leadership Skills, Lasting Relationships

March  |  2018

Wisconsin Farmers Union

Caleb and Lauren share their thoughts about participating in the FUE Leadership program.

Young Farmers Work with FSA to Find Land Tenure

Jan  |  2017

The Organic Broadcaster

Farmer Lauren writes for the nonprofit organization, Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) about utilizing the Farmer Service Agency to partially fund 

Bale Grazing Livestock for the Organic Marketplace

Sept  |  2016

MOSES Organic Broadcaster

Lauren answers farmers' questions about how organic certification rules may impact their decisions about winter forage feeding.

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Around the Farm Table: Bike to the Barn

Nov  |  2015

Wisconsin Public Television

Wisconsin Public Television host, Inga Witscher visits Blue Ox to meet the sheep and learn about the CSA model in this ongoing series featuring Wisconsin family farms. 

Couple Gets Fresh Start With Organic Farm

Jan  |  2014

The Leader Telegram

An interview by Nate Jackson with your steadfast farmers about their land access story.

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Farm Transition Stories: Teeming With Team Members

April  |  2013

Land Stewardship Letter

This issue of the Land Stewardship Letter tackles land transfer concerns. Farmers Caleb and Lauren share their land access story.

Sheep Herdin' T-Shirt Designer

Feb  |  2012

Volume One

It's an old article and the t-shirt business closed after larger passions overshadowed it, but you may be surprised to learn that your steadfast farmer is also an artist in her 'spare time'.

Leadership Change at MOSES

March  |  2019

Farmer Lauren takes on a new role as the Interim Executive Director at the Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES)

Farmers Need Interdependence

Aug  |  2018


In preparation for an upcoming field day, Caleb and Lauren talk about the need for farmers to depend on each other and learn from each other.

Preparing for Breeding Season

Sept  |  2017

MOSES Organic Broadcaster

Lauren answers farmers' questions about how to prepare your livestock for the breeding season to ensure success.

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Wisconsin Farmers Represented at National Farmers Union Convention

March  |  2018

Wisconsin State Farmer

Your steadfast farmers go to Kansas City, Mo. to advocate for family farms as the organization's national policy is set.

Protecting the Water,
Protecting the Land

Nov  |  2016

LSP Ear to the Ground Blog

Your steadfast farmers draw correlations between the Standing Rock Tribe's struggle to prevent a pipeline on their land - with the struggle at Blue Ox to fight an eminent domain threat for a natural gas pipeline through the farm.

Finding Marketplace for Organic Production

May  |  2016

MOSES Organic Broadcaster

Lauren responds to a farmer question about when and where to look for buyers of organic products.

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Farmfest Highlights Young Farmers

Aug  |  2014

Minnesota Public Radio

Farmer Lauren appears on "The Daily Circuit"with Karen Stettler of Land Stewardship Project and Traci Bruckner from the Center for Rural Affairs. Together, we discuss the issues and opportunities facing beginning farmers.

Farm Profile:
Blue Ox Organics

Sept  |  2013

Agrarian Trust

A long interview about how we managed to access land security and build our beginning farm business.

Preserving Traditions And Creating Opportunities Through Seed Saving

Sept  |  2012

Second Opinion Magazine

Farmer Caleb shares the importance and a general overview of seed saving.

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